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Last Week Tips to crack GATE 2024 Exam

Last Week Tips to crack GATE 2024 Exam

Updated: 16.04.2024 By: Team Gatenotes

With just one or two weeks left for the GATE 2024 exam, stress and anxiety in your mind may have a negative effect on your performance during the GATE 2024 exam. But this can be avoided if you follow some basic guidelines for the preparation of GATE during these days. Keep in mind that the GATE score opens the doors for postgraduate studies in IITs and IISC, or that you can even get a job in PSU's.

The preparation strategy for the GATE exam over the last few weeks is different from the strategy you have followed throughout the year. Here are some tips that can help you during the last days of your GATE 2024 Exam.

1. Focus on Revision

I. Try not to prepare new topics, it could demotivate you and you might forget what you have learned so far.

II. Revise your short notes and formula notes to quicker recall the concepts that can help you easily switch between the topics.

2. Acquiring Mental Peace in last week

I. It is important to get rid of the pressure by managing your time properly and to calm your mind.

II. Manage your time well, and keep the clock at the back of your mind as you attempt questions. If you find that you've spent extra time in a section, don't panic. Just calm down, modify and follow your earlier paper resolution plan.

III. During the exam negative marking. In previous mocks, analyze your accuracy percentage to get an idea of whether your current plan is working.

IV. Don’t study whole night on the night before exam. Take proper sleep on the night before your GATE exam so that you wake up refreshed and relaxed. During the last week, take a proper sleep of 7-8 hours for fresh and relaxed mind.

3. Short Notes & Formulae Diary

I. As engineering subjects have lots of formulas, make sure to note down all the formulas related to a particular topic. Following this approach will help you in memorizing all of them and later you can refer them if needed during studies.

4. Focus on General Aptitude & Engineering Mathematics

I. General Aptitude and Engineering Mathematics carry 30 percent of the total marks and hence these are the most important sections in GATE Syllabus.

II. So prepare those sections for the GATE Exam to perform well.

5. Adapting Environment of Online pattern

I. Taking mock test will help you adapt to the online pattern and how to use a virtual calculator enabled in their test logins.

II. 80 per cent of GATE questions may not require a virtual calculator, so use a virtual calculator whenever it is necessary for complex calculations.

6. Confidence and smart work

I. Read each question carefully and decide whether you can answer it.

II. If any question is difficult to resolve, please postpone for the next scan.

III. Identify the questions you can answer during the first scan and answer all these questions without any mistakes.

IV. During the second scan, try all the unanswered questions you decided to answer in the next scan.

V. It's going to help you crack the GATE Exam. Attempt the GATE exam with a full positive environment and try to perform the best.

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